Enhance Google Test integration and add support for test projects. Each Toolkit have GTests folder with place for new tests. For adding new tests needs to extend FILES.cmake files in each GTests folder. The single executable is created for each toolkit with all tests. The tests grouped by module and toolkit with :: as separator. Added option to download GTest by Cmake if not found. Add GTest for PLib_JacobiPolynomial with comprehensive test cases Add GTest for TCollection_AsciiString and TCollection_ExtendedString Set C++ standard to C++14 for GTest compatibility if required
Open CASCADE Technology
Open CASCADE Technology (OCCT) is a software development platform providing services for 3D surface and solid modeling, CAD data exchange, and visualization. Most of OCCT functionality is available in the form of C++ libraries. OCCT is ideal for developing software dealing with 3D modeling (CAD), manufacturing/measuring (CAM), or numerical simulation (CAE).
Open CASCADE Technology is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public License version 2.1 as published by the Free Software Foundation, with a special exception defined in the file OCCT_LGPL_EXCEPTION.txt
. Consult the file LICENSE_LGPL_21.txt
included in the OCCT distribution for the complete text of the license.
Alternatively, Open CASCADE Technology may be used under the terms of the Open CASCADE commercial license or a contractual agreement.
Note: Open CASCADE Technology is provided on an "AS IS" basis, WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND. The entire risk related to any use of the OCCT code and materials is on you. See the license text for a formal disclaimer.
You can receive certified versions of OCCT code in different packages:
- Snapshot of Git repository: Contains C++ header and source files of OCCT, documentation sources, build scripts, and CMake project files.
- Complete source archive: Contains all sources of OCCT, generated HTML and PDF documentation, and ready-to-use projects for building on all officially supported platforms.
- Binary package (platform-specific): In addition to the complete source archive, it includes binaries of OCCT and third-party libraries built on one platform. This package allows using OCCT immediately after installation.
Certified versions of OCCT can be downloaded from:
You can also find OCCT pre-installed on your system or install it from packages provided by a third party. Note that packaging and functionality of such versions can be different from certified releases. Please consult the documentation accompanying your version for details.
Documentation is available at the following links:
Documentation can be part of the package. To preview documentation as part of the package, open the file doc/html/index.html
to browse HTML documentation.
If HTML documentation is not available in your package, you can:
- Generate it from sources: You need to have Tcl and Doxygen 1.8.4 (or above) installed on your system and accessible in your environment (check the environment variable PATH). Use the batch file
on Windows or the Bash scriptadm/gendoc
on Linux or OS X to (re)generate documentation. - Generate together with sources: You need to have CMake and 1.8.4 (or above) installed on your system. Enable
CMake parameter and set the path to Doxygen3RDPARTY_DOXYGEN_EXECUTABLE
. Then build ALL or onlyOverview
. - Read documentation in source plain text (Markdown) format found in the subfolder
or GitHub Wiki.
See dox/build/build_documentation/building_documentation.md or Building Documentation for details.
In most cases, you need to rebuild OCCT on your platform (OS, compiler) before using it in your project to ensure binary compatibility.
Consult the file dox/build/build_occt/building_occt.md or Building OCCT or Building OCCT Wiki for instructions on building OCCT from sources on supported platforms.
The current version of OCCT can be found in the file adm/cmake/version.cmake
Bug Tracker
For information regarding OCCT code development, please consult the official OCCT Collaborative Development Portal: